Brazilian Popular Music

- Interview With Oscar Castro Neves
- MPB: Provocation of Integration
- Community of Drums
- Chiquinha Gonzaga and the popular music in Rio de Janeiro at the end of the 19th century
- São Pixinguinha
- Carnival: From The Ticumbís, Cucumbís, Entrudo And Carnival Societies To Current Days
- The Sweet Presence of the Chorinho in the German Musical Scene
- Six ways out for music
- From The Kings Of The Radio To The “Boquinha Da Garrafa” (The Mouth Of The Bottle)
- Transformations Of The Carioca Samba In The Twentieth Century
- Radio Nacional...
- The JK age: essays of a utopia
- The sun and salt of the south zone
- The Political Content And The Evolution Of Mpb - Chico Buarque: Out Goes The Barquinho, In Comes The Political Content
- Caetano Veloso and Tropicália: a new look at anthropophagy
- Re-democratization in the 80's: the explosion of rock bands, afro groups and new rhythms
- New rhythms and names: Marisa Monte, Carlinhos Brown, Manguebeat, Rap
- The contemporaneousness of Brazilian music
- Perspectives for new Brazilian Popular Music (MPB)
- Foreign Looks