Kuala Lumpur

Business Visa

Business visas are issued to Malaysians visiting Brazil with the following purposes:

  • Conducting business, establishing and/or strengthening business contacts or attending to business-related meetings.
  • Covering journalistic or sporting events as a newsperson, reporter or journalist assigned by a communication/media company on a short term basis (RN78/2008/CNIg)
  • Cinematographic filming and film making as members of a film crew. In this case, visas will depend on prior specific authorization from the Brazilian National Cinema Agency (ANCINE).

APPLICATION - Since 20th December 2009, the application for business visas must be presented online through the link: https://scedv.serpro.gov.br/ - “VISA REQUEST”
Follow the instructions on the above website and come to the Embassy with the documentation listed below.

Business visa requirements:

  • Passport valid for at least six months, with at least two blank pagew available for the visa and immigration stamps.
  • One visa application receipt, signed by the applicant (this receipt will be issued after the applicant fills in the forms).
  • One passport size photograph attached to the receipt.
  • Payment of consular fees.
  • Letter from applicant's employer, stating the nature of business to be conducted by the applicant in Brazil, duration of stay and financial responsibility for the employee's maintenance in Brazil.
  • In case of application through an agent, a proof that the applicant resides within the jurisdiction of the Embassy.
  • Return air ticket and a letter from travel agency/airline, duly signed and stating dates and places of entry and departure in Brazil, with full itinerary identified by the travel agency/airline stamp and/or letterhead.


For Working visas, see the related section in this webpage.

For other types of visas, contact the Consular Section of the Embassy.


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